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Contents ☞ 📓

The Mini-Book 🏠

Front cover of the mini-book.

A little selling pamphlet I made in 1980, in lieu of actually promoting my book. I still have quite a few of them left, with real hand=stamped bookplates. Let me know if you want one of them for your very own!

Inside views of the pages of the mini-book.

Instructions for use of Mini-Book:
1. Open.
2. Read First Page.
3. If interest is piqued, more book is available ...
4. Detatch book plate (opposite), lick and stick in real book, and if I become famous, your book will then be worth a FORTUNE.
5. Books make wonderful gifts. Additional bookplates personalized on requear. ❦

Inside views of the pages of the mini-book.

Inside view of the next pages of the mini-book. I used tissue-paper-thin second sheets for the interior. Remember carbon paper?

Inside views of the pages of the mini-book.

Speaking of thin tissue sheets ... the pamphlet had to be small enough to slide under my Swingline stapler, and it was hard to get everything lined up and straight. That's why the book is "mini".

Inside views of the pages of the mini-book.

The computer had not yet appeared on my desk, so I made copious use of a Xerox machine and rubber cement, which has become a bit crackly with age. Also, the cover was hand-colored with pencils and pen because I thought the original cover was too gray. Now it's my turn to become aged and gray and crackly.
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